Canine Myofunctional Therapy
Canine Myofunctional Therapy (CMT) is the application of massage techniques to the muscles, soft and connective tissues to promote or restore biomechanical functioning and range of movement.
CMT has been developed specifically for the canine anatomy and is designed for all those with a love of dogs and an interest in improving the health, wellbeing, performance and longevity for dogs, with the safe, gentle, and effective treatment of correctly applied remedial and sports massage.
Massage therapy is one of the most ancient forms of natural therapy - it's widely recognised that touch produces healing. Hands are the perfect tool to accurately locate and assess abnormalities, soreness, tension or issues that may not show up in X-Rays.
CMT can also aid illness, injury or surgery recovery through stress reduction and enhance tissue healing. On the whole massage enables muscle tissue to relax, extend and maintain a healthy system by increasing circulation of blood and lymph to the skin and underlying muscles.
CMT from $70
(Extra will be charged for travel to outside of Merimbula, Pambula or Tura areas)